
By LoydMartin

Paragon Sports: continues to cycle

Paragon Sports was robbed of many bikes, apparel, and other items last week in protests following George Floyd’s death. But Zachary Blank, the COO, said that the “biggest blow” was to Paragon Sports’ momentum and morale.

Union Square’s sporting goods store, which was founded in 1908 by a family, tried to reduce expenses before it closed its website and store in March amid the coronavirus crisis. Blank described the mass layoff of staff as “extremely difficult” and said that it was part of these efforts.

He said, “Our employees are the heart of who we are.”

Blank stated that the business had received PPP money but has not used it yet due to confusion from the ever-changing rules of Congress. Blank, like many businesses, is concerned that a large portion of the loan will not be forgiven due to the lack of clarity.

Things turned around when Paragon Sports’ bicycle shop reopened in May as an essential service. It was taken away 10 days later.

Blank stated that after two months of being shut down, it felt as if we were slowly beginning to rebuild and create something unique.



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He said that broken glass was a minor problem in a national, comprehensive movement to protect black lives. “We will clean up the glass and go back to work on the store as well as how we can use our power to effect social change.”

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Paragon Sports will End Fur Sales

New York – After a three-year campaign supported by PETA, its members and supporters and grassroots animal activists in New York City, Paragon Sports announced that this winter it will cease selling fur. This includes Canada Goose “reclaimed fur” and stated that many customers prefer innovative fur products.

This follows weekly PETA-supported protests at Paragon Sports and demonstrations at the home of Vice President Zachary Blank, COO. Blank’s neighbourhood was pelted with flyers, and the company offered to meet them. Negotiations began, which led to a successful conclusion.

Tracy Reiman, PETA Executive Vice President, says that Paragon Sports is moving towards the future and leaving behind fur. PETA is looking forward to Paragon’s racks being free from fur-trimmed coats, as Canada Goose continues to struggle and fail to change its horrible image.

PETA’s video investigations into the global fur industry revealed that fur farm animals spend their entire lives in filthy, cramped wire cages. Fur farmers resort to the most inhumane methods of killing, such as suffocation and poisoning, as well as neck-breaking, electrocution, poisoning, and even suffocation. Trapped coyotes may be killed by the elements, infections, predators, or other factors.

Paragon Sports joins thousands of other top outdoor retailers to go fur-free including The North Face and Columbia Sportswear, Patagonia and Burton.